HMRC COVID-19 Update
Dear Hallett Motor Racing Circuit Family,
As a family-owned company, the health and well being of our extended family (customers, staff, and vendor partners) and the health and vitality of HMRC as an organization exist as our highest priorities. We understand how important it is to re-open our local, state, and national economies while also protecting against further spread of the COVID-19 virus.
Considering Oklahoma Governor Stitt’s most recent announcement on Wednesday, 04.22.20 that sports venues, along with a few other industries, may reopen if social distancing and sanitation protocols are maintained, we are excited to announce that HMRC will re-open for business on May 1st, 2020. Given this change in business status, HMRC customers should adhere to the following social distancing and safety protocols:
- Be responsible with your personal care. Please take your temperature and if it is high, or you are feeling unwell in any respect, stay home.
- All individuals should maintain 8′ personal space from others at all times. All personal greetings (handshakes, fist bumps, hugs, etc.) should be done with that distance in mind or done virtually.
- The Finish Line Café will be offering CALL IN, by calling or texting 918.428.6647, with Café backdoor pickup only.
- The Tower will be CLOSED. Registration will be handled through the windows near the administration desks. Please do not gather closely while in queue.
- Please do not bring excess people/friends that are not needed to be here.
- Please be mindful of others and do not misappropriate sanitization items (do not steal track disinfectant or hand sanitizer).
- Bathrooms and outdoor showers will be OPEN, and each individual is encouraged to wipe/clean all areas touched BEFORE AND AFTER each visit with disinfectant wipes provided by HMRC.
- Only 1 person allowed in each bathroom facility at a time. Sanitizer provided in all port-a-johns. HMRC staff will be regularly cleansing bathrooms throughout the day.
- Bring whatever Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) you need to feel comfortable.
- Driver meeting will be over the Public Address system only, no gatherings for driver meetings over 10 people. Race winners will be announced over the PA and they may pick up trophies at the Tower window.
By following Governor Stitt’s direction, everyone at HMRC believes we can still enjoy our time together, experience life in meaningful ways at the track, and still responsibly mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 virus.
We look forward to seeing you soon.
Thank you,
HMRC Management