
High Speed Touring Track Days @HMRC


High Speed Touring (HST) at Hallett Motor Racing Circuit is your chance to drive your car on a real road race course!

So you’ve got a really neat performance car – vintage, modern, exotic or one of the many sporty performance tuner coupes and sedans that are in vogue. And maybe you frequently experience frustrations because you can never really open-up your car to the spirited driving for which you think you and your car are capable. Fear of traffic citations, your reputation, your wife/parents, etc. keep your urge to drive at speed in check. Are you really wanting to be an on-track driver and not just a spectator, but maybe not quite ready for wheel-to-wheel racing? Then the HST series is for YOU! It’s great fun for all motor heads AND you can afford it…read on…

HST lets YOU, at modest cost, get lots of seat-time by lapping, AT SPEED, in performance-oriented STREET CARS! You must become a member of Hallett HST program to participate ($50 once a year).  ANY street-legal car (excluding SUVs, trucks, wagons, vans…. except by specific permission) can be used WITHOUT normal race prep…no roll cage, no driving suit, no prior competition driving experience are required for this non-race series. Convertibles must have factory or aftermarket roll bar protection to participate in HST. (Minimum 18 years of age to drive in HST)

You’ll receive FIVE 15-20 minute on-track sessions for Early Entry discounted rate of $225/day if registered at least 2 weeks before each event, or $250/day less than 2 weeks prior to event. If it is your first time to drive on the Hallett track in this DIRECTION (CW or CCW) in the HPDE series, you are REQUIRED to sign up for the DE student group to work with HMRC instructors on your first day to ensure you have a fun, safe experience ($75 instructor fee included in registration fee). 

  • Report to 2nd floor classroom for MANDATORY driver meeting for ALL 1st time drivers (see schedule for detailed times).
  • On your 1st visit each year, Bring your completed annual self-tech sheet with your helmet for inspection.

You must have factory seat belts, wear a 2015 or newer Snell-approved safety helmet (rentals are available) and wear a long-sleeved shirt and long pants and closed-toe shoes while you drive on track for YOUR fire safety protection.  Cars MUST have a car # on both driver & passenger side front doors at least 8″ tall (we recommend blue/yellow painter tape). 

That’s it…MAX FUN – DRIVE YOUR DREAM! And FREE photos available to download at link on bottom of website homepage!

2025 HST/HPDE Schedule: